[Coverage] Troubleshooting guide for .NET code coverage import

As explained in our Test Coverage documentation, SonarQube/SonarCloud does not run tests or generate reports, but imports pre-generated reports from another source. The goal of this guide is show how to troubleshoot and correct typical code coverage import issues into SonarQube/SonarCloud for C# and VB.NET languages. If you are interested in troubleshooting unit test results and execution reporting instead, see “Import unit test results” section of [Coverage & Test Data] Generate Reports for C#, VB.net.


We support the following code coverage tools:

  • Visual Studio Code Coverage
  • dotCover
  • OpenCover/Coverlet

If you do not use any of the above code coverage tools, code coverage import will not work.


Understand the basics of…

  • SonarScanner for .NET (formerly known as SonarScanner for MSBuild) by reading its documentation
  • Integration with Azure DevOps/TFS environment (if you are using Azure DevOps/TFS)
    • Understand the link between Azure DevOps and SonarCloud by reading this SonarCloud Azure DevOps Lab.

    • How code coverage test files are automatically detected as explained in the Code Coverage section for SonarScanner for .NET:

      • Auto-search for .trx files in any TestResults folder located under the $Build.SourcesDirectory path (otherwise, check $Agent.TempDirectory path)
      • Auto-search for CodeCoverage.exe path by searching in VsTestToolsInstallerInstalledToolLocation environment variable (set by the “VsTestToolsPlatformInstaller” task or by the user)
      • .coverage auto-converts to .coveragexml via CodeCoverage.exe
    • Know how to construct your pipeline correctly

      • Install appropriate platform dependencies
      • “Prepare Analysis Configuration” task contains proper code coverage parameters
      • “Run Code Analysis” and “Publish Quality Gate Result” tasks are also added to your pipeline

Troubleshooting Steps

Are you using a valid version of your code coverage tool?

Are the reports in the right format?

  • Verify which file type matches which code coverage tool

Do the reports even exist?

  • If you see the following, then ensure the report generation for your code coverage tool actually produced a file and has content in it.

    WARN: The Code Coverage report doesn’t contain any coverage data for the included files.
  • Verify indexed paths compared to coverage file paths
    (see Code Coverage is not shown in the SonarCloud.io - #6 by sconde)

    • The /p:PathMap option of MSBuild is not supported for coverage files parsed in SonarQube or SonarCloud.

Do the reports contain valid information for the expected set of files? (give examples)

Did you specify the correct report path property to import the report at the right step?

  • When importing code coverage reports, you need to ensure that you specify the report path with your associated code coverage tool’s property for the SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe or dotnet begin command, as detailed in Test Coverage:

    • sonar.cs.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths
      • Path to Visual Studio Code coverage report for C#. Multiple paths may be comma-delimited, or included via wildcards.
      • Ensure that you have converted the code coverage report from Binary into XML (see “Convert the Code Coverage Report from Binary into XML” section on our [Coverage & Test Data] Generate Reports for C#, VB.net Community guide)
    • sonar.cs.dotcover.reportsPaths
      • Path to dotCover coverage report for C#.
    • sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths
      • Path to OpenCover coverage report for C#.
    • sonar.vbnet.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths
      • Path to Visual Studio Code Coverage report for VB.NET. Multiple paths may be comma-delimited, or included via wildcards. See .NET Test Coverage for more information.
    • sonar.vbnet.dotcover.reportsPaths
      • Path to dotCover coverage report for VB.NET.
    • sonar.vbnet.opencover.reportsPaths
      • Path to OpenCover coverage report for VB.NET.
  • SonarScanner for .NET has automatic detection of sonar.cs.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths and sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths if the proper .trx and .coverage files have been found in specific folders. See Code Coverage section for more information on these analysis parameters can be auto-set.

Did you specify the correct path to your code coverage file?

  • Make sure you understand the regular expression for matching files and directories:

    Symbol Meaning
    ? a single character
    * any number of characters
    ** any number of directories
  • Here is a resource to understand some other examples: Pattern matching guide

  • Examples of Correct and Incorrect Usage

    Right :white_check_mark:

    :white_check_mark: Do use glob patterns to match the ultimately created
    -d:"sonar.cs.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths=**/*.coveragexml" or
    -d:"sonar.cs.dotcover.reportsPaths=**/*.html" or

    :white_check_mark: Values can be comma separated

    :white_check_mark: - and / are valid flag markers
    /d:"sonar.verbose=true" or -d:"sonar.verbose=true"

    :white_check_mark: Report path is relative to the directory where you run SonarScanner for ‘MSBuild’

    Wrong :x:

    :x: Don’t point at directories. How to fix: point to files.

    :x: Don’t use absolute paths. How to fix: favor paths relative to the project root directory.

    :x: Don’t point files that are not under the project root directory. How to fix: always generate the coverage report under the directory where you run the command from.

Do you know how to get debug logs?

  • Add /d:"sonar.verbose=true" to the…
    • SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe or dotnet begin command to get more detailed logs
      • For example: SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"MyProject" /d:"sonar.verbose=true"
    • “SonarQubePrepare” or “SonarCloudPrepare” task’s extraProperties argument if you are using Azure DevOps
      • For example:
        # Applies to SonarQubePrepare as well
        - task: SonarCloudPrepare@1
              SonarCloud: 'sonarcloud'
              organization: 'zucchinibreadco'
              scannerMode: 'MSBuild'
              projectKey: 'zuchhinibreadco_sonar-scanning-someconsoleapp'
              projectName: 'sonar-scanning-someconsoleapp'
              extraProperties: |
  • The parsing and import of code coverage happens during the Scanner for MSBuild end command (a.k.a. the Azure DevOps “SonarQubeAnalyze” or “SonarCloudAnalyze” task).

Specific Problems

Prematurely running report generation

The report generation process must be executed after the build step and before the scanner end step. The following steps detail importing .NET reports:

  1. Run the SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe (or dotnet) begin command, specifying the absolute path where the reports will be available using the /d:propertyKey="path" syntax (“propertyKey” depends on the tool)
  2. Build your project using MSBuild (or dotnet)
  3. Run your test tool, instructing it to produce a report at the same location specified earlier to the MSBuild/dotnet SonarQube runner (see How to generate reports with different tools)
  4. Run the SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe (or dotnet) end command

Projects being considered as test projects by the Sonar Scanner for .NET

Read the ProjectCategorisation section to better understand if the project not having code coverage may be considered a test project.

Not running all commands from the same folder

All commands, including the code coverage generation, must be run from the same folder.

To check which is the base path look for this log:

DEBUG: The current user dir is '<PATH>'.

To check the path of the indexed files look for this log:

DEBUG: '<PATH\FILE.cs>' indexed with language 'cs'


DEBUG: '<PATH\FILE.vb>' indexed with language 'vb'

Then if the paths inside the coverage file differ from the path of the indexed files, look for this log:

INFO: Parsing the OpenCover report <FILE PATH>
DEBUG: Skipping file with path '<PATH\FILE.cs>' because it is not indexed or does not have the supported language.


INFO: Parsing the OpenCover report <FILE PATH>
DEBUG: Skipping file with path '<PATH\FILE.vb>' because it is not indexed or does not have the supported language.

A post was split to a new topic: “WARN: Unable to get next XML event while parsing file” .NET coverage problem