"WARN: Unable to get next XML event while parsing file" .NET coverage problem

Hi @mano ,

Welcome to SonarSource Community! :sonarsource:

Your warning says the problem: WARN: Unable to get next XML event while parsing file ‘E:\agent1_work_temp\TestResults\36733ed4-51c2-40d0-b52d-14356e1d10ef\resutl.coverage’

Your .coverage file will get converted to a .coveragexml, which should look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <module name="someconsoleapplicationtest.dll" path="someconsoleapplicationtest.dll" id="91AE251F1EB91F4DA6A7BB0A38B3ABDF01000000" block_coverage="100.00" line_coverage="100.00" blocks_covered="6" blocks_not_covered="0" lines_covered="9" lines_partially_covered="0" lines_not_covered="0">

Please give us the following version information:

  • what is the version of SonarQube that you are using?
  • what is the version of the Scanner for .NET (MSBuild) that you are using?
  • what version of MSBuild are you using?

And we’ll need the logs:

  • please give us the verbose output of the scanner commands (please run SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:“MyProject” /d:sonar.verbose=true as the begin step, and please attach the output of the BEGIN and END steps)
  • please give the output of running MSBuild in verbose mode (/v:d)

Also, please tell us:

  • what are the commands you are running to do the analysis?
  • are you running all commands from the same folder?

In addition, please see the following guides (I added some of the same links for your reference):
