Category Topics

Sonar Updates

Stay up to date with the latest Sonar Announcements.
Looking for product-specific announcements? Try the product announcement categories: SonarQube Server / Community Build, SonarQube for IDE & SonarQube Cloud.

SonarQube for IDE

SonarQube for IDE (formerly SonarLint) is a free IDE plugin for static code analysis brought to you by Sonar.
[Resources: the docs, FAQ]

SonarQube Server / Community Build

Get the most out of SonarQube Server (formerly SonarQube) and SonarQube Community Build (formerly SonarQube Community Edition), an on-premise analysis tool designed to detect quality and security issues in 30+ languages, frameworks, and IaC platforms.  [Resources: the docs, upgrade guide]

SonarQube Cloud

Get help using SonarQube Cloud (formerly SonarCloud), a SaaS code analysis tool, designed to detect coding issues in 30+ languages, frameworks, and IaC platforms.  [Resources: the docs]

Rules and Languages

Tell us about your experience analyzing your favorite languages. Are we missing rules? Or just missing issues? Let us know!