Hello Visual Studio users,
If you already used SonarLint in connected mode with SonarQube or SonarCloud, you may have noticed that connected mode settings and data are stored at two distinct locations:
- In a .sonarlint folder under your project main directory, which is normally a source-controlled location
- within the Visual Studio project files (e.g. the .csproj files)
While this approach worked, it was perceived as too intrusive by some of you, for instance because it generated frequent changes in your files under source control, so we’ve decided to change the way and the location where we store those settings: starting with version 7.0 of SonarLint we’ve just released all the settings and data are stored only at this location:
%AppData%\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\Bindings
Please note that if you already used connected mode for your solution, you will need to migrate the settings in order for the connected mode to continue working properly. SonarLint will automatically propose to migrate the settings, and it will just take a few seconds to complete the migration.
You can learn more about the migration process in this documentation page. Additional migration-specific information for TFVC users is here.
This version also add plenty of new rules and improvements for C# and VB.NET, including a pack of rules to help you avoid performance pitfalls, so that your applications run faster and use less energy.
You can see the release notes in GitHub.