Git-controlled cross-IDE settings for SonarLint extensions Connected Mode

Hello, @another-guy!

The only way that semi-work and satisfies my requirements is the one that relies on git-controlled configuration residing in .sonarlint directory. According to this post, this way is being deprecated: SonarLint for Visual Studio v7.0 - Connected mode settings are moving to a new place. The new way of storing the bindings, moves them to %AppData%\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\Bindings , which does not work across IDEs

SonarQube for Visual Studio (formerly SonarLint) stores additional information about the binding and the connected mode experience in the path %AppData%\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\Bindings. But if no binding is configured and a shared configuration is detected in the .sonarlint folder, it will trigger a simple process once the user confirmed that he wants to use the shared configuration. Please see the documentation for more info.

What I mean by “not working” is that if I set the binding using the Visual Studio and then switch to Rider IDE it does not detect that binding. I suspect, this happens either due to a bug or Rider seeking for the sonarlint config in a different location altogether (perhaps, .idea ?)

Is it possible that the .sonarlint folder does not exist for that particular solution? In SonarQube for Visual Studio, the binding configuration must be shared by clicking on the “Export Binding Configuration” button (see documentation).

I’d like to get assurances that the .sonarlint directory is not going away and will remain the first-class location for bindings. This is the only way my team can rely on for sharing via source control.

You can be assured that the .sonarlint directory is not going away and it remains the place where the shared binding configuration is stored and respected by every flavor of SonarQube for IDE.

All the best,