Projekt Management sub menu missing

  • ALM used: Github

The “Projects Management” (iirc) sub menu in SonarCloud seems to be missing:


I used it to bulk apply permission templates to multiple projects. The last time I remember using it was 2 days ago.
Is this an actual change or a bug?


Hey @RobCo

Today we are announcing some new packaging for SonarCloud, specifically the Team and Enterprise plans. You can read more about it here: Launching the new SonarCloud Team and SonarCloud Enterprise plans

This page and the ability to perform bulk actions on projects (like applying permission templates, but we can imagine more in the future) are now part of the Enterprise plan.

That said, users on the old pain plan should continue to see this page until they decide which new plan they’re going to move to. We consider the current behavior a bug, and we’re investigating it right now.

This issue has been resolved for those orgs on the old paid plan. Thanks a lot for the report. :pray:

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