Customize Overview page with graphs of availible data


we are using SQ 8.4.2.

Until now, we were just using it as-is, now we want to use SQ more “seriously” and customize a bit.

One of the things we wanted to do is to customize the Overview page and have a few graphs show up, which would show the amount of bugs/whatever over time. I was pretty sure this is very straightforward to do, but it apparently isnt :slight_smile:

The only way to anything in that direction that I’ve found is to go to Activity and create a custom metric. Although this stays there for when I click on Activity next time, therei s no way so “save” it and reuse it on the Overview page, just like the graphs that are in the Overview page by default.

So am I missing something really obvious, or is it no possible to create custom graphs (only with the already availible data, like Bugs) and “use” (i.e. show) on the overview page?

I was honestly very sure that I would find many explanations on how to do this because it seems like something that everyone would find useful, but to my surprise I have found no resources on this. If this is somehow possible, I think it deserves a section or two in the docs :slight_smile:



In fact, you can’t customize the existing interface. What you can do is add a page to the webapp, although it won’t show up as the homepage; you’ll have to select it from the menu to access it.


Hi Ann,

thanks for the reply.

Therefore it is only possible to see charts on the activity page (where the users need to select the metrics themself)?

While googling for this issue I came across some screenshots ( of older SQ versions for which there was a small chart in the “background” of any metrics shown on the (start?) page. Is there a setting to enable this agian?

Or in general: is there any place where I can define that a metric is shown in a chart over time and all users can see this chart?


It’s the main place. A graph is also available on the project homepage.

There is not. We dropped that because the scale was really weird. Imagine you have a 3-year overall history and a 2-day New Code Period: the scale is reeeeally off. And in the latest versions the project homepage has been completely redesigned.


Do you have an answer for this one too? Basically, I would like to have a page for which I can choose the metrics to be shown in graphs.

I was really expecting this “feature” to be there, because that would be (from my pov) the best default “Start page”. I select the metrics and we as a team can look how the (for us) relevant metrics are going down (hopefully :slight_smile: ) over time.


You can create a plugin to add a page to the interface if you like. It will show up under the ‘More’ menu (which shows up when there’s something to put in it).

Feel free to create new threads in the ‘Writing plugins’ category if you have specific development questions.


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happi cake day, btw :ok_man:

I just wanted to be smug and ask if the git repo will be updated to work for 8.9 … only to find out that it already does that … probably… you just need to switch the branch to 8.x \o/

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