What encoding of .sql files read sonar cloud for tsql

Hello, I have a problem with Sonnar cloud because it does not read SQL files, I found a file that if is reading by Sonnar cloud, but when I upload other files it does not read
in the attached file you can see DemonstrateDDM.sql if has scanned but the file script.sql have the same encoding and it is not reading by Sonnar cloud
scripts.zip (1008 Bytes)

I want to know what program I can use, to save available files. SQL for Sonnar cloud?

Hi @C0der97, welcome to the community forum.

Could you please be more specific about the way you use SonarCloud?
What CI and build tool, or command are you using to run the Sonar Scanner ?
Could you paste here the command or the CI configuration file, without your private details?
Are there other languages on the same repository?

Also, have you reviewed the analysis scope configuration, and the PL/SQL and T-SQL properties to be sure it matches your project?

Hello, I am Using the sonar cloud through GitHub using CI from GitHub. There aren’t other languages in my repository, and also I Configured the properties of PL/SQL and T-SQL


Could you please give us a link to a public project reproducing the issue (on GitHub and SonarCloud), and the logs produced by the Sonar Scanner during analysis?

Hello, I Can Solve This the problem are that the files need be named in UPPERCASE like SCRIPT.SQL jeje

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