Unable to get AutoScan working


I am trying to get SonarCloud running for my organization’s private repositories. I linked the organization on SonarCloud to Github organization and created a project using the repository.
I also added the sonarcloud.properties file to the base folder.
Permission to the Github app has been granted as well.

However, I do not get any comments or check results upon creating a PR. I do see the SonarCloud “rerun all checks” options but nothing changes even if I queue it again.

The filename should be .sonarcloud.properties, notice that it starts with a . dot character.

Sorry about the typo, yes the file has a . to it’s name.

Can you please share with me the link to your project on SonarCloud in a private message? (Click on my avatar, and then on the Message button.)

I am unable to find the message option…
Here is the link: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=bitgrit-official_competition-platform

Can you please confirm the following:

  • is the PR targeting the default branch of the project?
  • on SonarCloud, can you see that the PR was actually analyzed?

Note that sometimes it takes a bit of time for the analysis (and then the Checks on GitHub) to appear. Do you confirm it still hasn’t appeared? And in that case, can you push a dummy commit to the PR try to trigger it again?

Hey! It started working all of a sudden, thanks for the prompt replies though. Apparently it takes some time to show up.


Nice to hear your analysis shown up.

Could you elaborate on your expectation from a latency/performance perspective ?

Your input will be greatly appreciated.


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