SonarLint IntelliJ: Ignore Rules

My Use Case:
SonarQube is centrally hosted, including updates and maintenance of rule sets.
To ignore rules for a specific project, appropriate SonarQube properties are configured in the project’s master pom.xml. E.g.:

<!-- ...reason for disabling rule... -->

I want to configure SonarLint to do the same, i.e. ignore specific rules while running in “connected” mode (to get the current rules from SonarQube).

This does not work today: I configured the “ignore.multicriteria” properties in SonarLint’s “Anaylsis Properties”, but the rule violations are shown anyway. (SonarLint is running in “connected” mode.)

Hi @jkroeber

If you want to have the issue exclusion feature working in both SonarQube scanners and SonarLint, you should define them directly in the SonarQube UI, it should work.
SonarLint doesn’t recognize properties defined in build scripts (pom.xml, build.gradle) and this is not in our current roadmap (but I will track your feedback in our feature requests list).
Also you can vote for SonarLint read that is pretty similar.