Send email to others with Sonar cloud Quality gate result

Hello SonarCloud,

I am using a free version of sonar cloud for POC purposes. I want to send a mail to all stakeholders via email as soon as the Sonar Quality Gate result pass or fails. I am using Azure DevOps.
I was looking for an email option in project Administrator → general setting → general but not able to see the option.
Please help me where I can put multiple email addresses and the Sonar quality gate result should be sent as an Email notification to different stakeholders.

Sandeep Rajbhar

Hi Sandeep, welcome to the community!

Unfortunately, SonarCloud does not currently support automated email notifications to arbitrary addresses.

You can configure your own account so that emails are sent to you when specific events occur, but you cannot specify a custom set of email addresses.

However, it is a good idea. So, I have forwarded your post to product management for consideration (but, I cannot make any promises).


{You can configure your own account so that emails are sent to you when specific events occur, but you cannot specify a custom set of email addresses. }

Can you pls tell me the steps? Can I add some users to my project and the same event can be sent to them by the above process you have mention?