Open SonarCloud issues in your IDE with SonarLint

Hello SonarCloud :sonarcloud: users,

We are really happy to announce the possibility of opening issues from SonarCloud into the IDE with SonarLint.

You’ll now be able to open any issue you’re investigating in SonarCloud into VS Code, JetBrains IDEs, Eclipse and Visual Studio so that you can investigate it and fix it with all the help SonarLint provides (dataflow navigation, rule description, quick fixes) without having to locate the right file and line of code manually.

SonarLint will automatically open the correct file and bring the focus to the line of code containing the issue.

To benefit from this functionality you’ll need to update the latest version of SonarLint in your IDE and use the Connected Mode.

Thank you for your continued support!

The SonarCloud team


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