Can't 'Open in IDE' from SonarCloud

Doesn’t work to me, yet. I see an error on network tab

Same here.

I’m on macOS 14.6, Safari 17.6, Apple M1, IntelliJ Ultimate, SonarLint

That version of SonarLint is from July 2nd. Do we need a new version?

The browser console shows permission errors (with * replacements):

[Error] [Report Only] Refused to connect to http://localhost:64120/sonarlint/api/status because it does not appear in the connect-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
[Warning] [blocked] The page at****%40****.com&issueStatuses=OPEN%2CCONFIRMED&id=*****_****&open=********* was not allowed to display insecure content from http://localhost:64120/sonarlint/api/status. (WebApp-BYViO9Hk.js, line 3)

I’ve upgraded to SonarLint and have the same error.

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Thanks for the heads-up @Gleidson_Brito_Santa and @sodul! We’ve flagged this for the relevant team.