SonarLint for IntelliJ 10.0 - Open SonarQube issues in the IDE, instant SonarCloud issue status sync


The new release of SonarLint for IntelliJ IDEs is available!

This month, we’ve added the possibility to open any issue you’re investigating in SonarQube into the IDE so that you can investigate it and fix it with all the help SonarLint provides (dataflow navigation, rule description, quick fixes) without having to locate the right file and line of code manually.

To benefit from this functionality, you’ll need to:

  • Use the very last SonarQube version (10.3): it is not available for download yet, but it will be ready in a few days.
  • Use the latest SonarLint version (10.0)
  • Use SonarLint in connected mode
  • Ensure the project and branch you have opened in the IDE correspond to the one containing the issue you’re reviewing in SonarQube.

SonarLint will automatically open the correct file and bring the focus to the line of code containing the issue :slightly_smiling_face:

In this release, we’ve also tightened the integration of SonarLint with SonarCloud: any issue or security hotspot status change (e.g. Won’t Fix, False Positive, Safe) done in SonarCloud will be instantly synchronized to the IDE so that you can focus on relevant issues.

We’ve added a lot of new detections to help you build Clean Code, for example:

  • 6 Java rules dedicated to the Spring framework
  • 5 Python rules for the Pandas library
  • Plenty of new JavaScript and TypeScript rules for React (see the details here and here)

You may have heard that the whole Sonar ecosystem will soon require Java 17 as a minimal runtime to analyze your projects. To satisfy this requirement in SonarLint for IntelliJ, we’re raising the minimum IDE version to IntelliJ 2022.3.1.

The release notes are here, enjoy!
