since update to SonarQube we are faced to repeating notifications with same content, even if the CVS Code line detection works properly and new code is detected correctly.
Furthermore, the links, which are in those mails lead to empty SonarQube-pages, where no issue is realy shown (It shows an info ilke “0 of 2 shown”).
Server was rebooted a lot of times, I even tried to delete index of ES (/data/es7), without getting rid of this effect.
I already enabled DEBUG-logging and could not find any further information in es.log or web.log, sonar.log.
Could some of you help me with this problem or know potentional reasons for it?
thank you for your fast feedback. I am happy to receive support from you. I have already read many of your posts here and was often able to find help in them. Thumbs up.
Of cause I can share some screenshots with with you.
We receive those mails with identical content after every scan. The second screenshot shows the result after clicking on der hyperlink in the notification mail.
If you need further information like logfiles etc. let me know!
I’d like to split this and deal with the duplicate emails first.
So… many questions:
Does every user get 2 emails or only some
–>As I know all users. Each check one identical mail.
For a user that does get 2 emails, can you check the account & see if the account is associated with multiple email addresses?
→ We have only one mail address per user.
And/or do both of the emails arrive at the same address?
–>Not relevant
Is it possible the duplication is happening at your SMTP server?
–>No, there are no duplications on SMTP side
I hope you have further ideas for this problem…Do you know similar effects?
I got a mail for a bug which I created for testing purpose (all links are working correctly)
I scanned again → no mail.
Bug was removed →
Info mail with closed issues.
Now my question: Is it possible, to fix my projects without deletion? Any things I could try? For me its important to keep at least all manual added information like “false positives”- and “wont fix”-selections
What exactly is duplicated? Can we get a screenshot showing the duplication? I’ve re-checked the initial screenshots you sent & I’m not seeing anything duplicated.
That’s quite understandable & you shouldn’t need to delete anything.
In the meatime, before reading your post, I updated SonarQube to Version 9.7.1.
Unfortunatly now ES does not come up anymore.
I get the following Exception:
2022.11.10 18:42:17 WARN web[][o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext] Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@277050dc-org.sonar.server.qualityprofile.RegisterQualityProfiles': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is BadRequestException{errors=[Rule with UUID AXZnt-ti0cHWapxSdKh- not found]}
2022.11.10 18:42:17 DEBUG web[][o.s.s.p.ServerLifecycleNotifier] Notify ServerStopHandler handlers...
2022.11.10 18:42:17 ERROR web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Background initialization failed. Stopping SonarQube
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@277050dc-org.sonar.server.qualityprofile.RegisterQualityProfiles': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is BadRequestException{errors=[Rule with UUID AXZnt-ti0cHWapxSdKh- not found]}
It seems like you have encountered another issue. It is not ES that is failing, it is the WEB process.
Could you please try to execute those SQL queries on the database if possible and send me the results?
select * from rules r where uuid = 'AXZnt-ti0cHWapxSdKh-'
select * from active_rules ar where rule_uuid = 'AXZnt-ti0cHWapxSdKh-'
select * from rules_profiles rp where "language" = 'scala'