Licensing issue after upgrade to SonarQube 7.9.3 (LTS)

We are upgrading SonarQube (Developer Edition) from version 7.7 to 7.9.3 but deploying it to the test environment first.
After upgrade we’re getting the following error:
submitterLogin: “sonar.scanner”
errorType: “LICENSING”
errorMessage: “Analyses suspended. Please renew your license.”
We have the license key for the Developer Edition for the PRODUCTION valid & working but we don’t have it for TEST to try applying.
Can anyone please help to find out the solution.

Thanks in advance,

Greetings Valeriia,

Unless you have paid for Commercial support – the Developer Edition only comes with a single license.

Thanks for clarifying it @Colin.
Any suggestions on how we can overcome the before-mentioned issue and check Sonar out on the test environment?

Here is some additional information I wanted to add to the main topic.
So, in addition to the error, we need to migrate SonarQube DB from MySQL to PostgreSQL, because SonarQube does not support the following versions of MySQL DB.
But when we changing the database type, the checksum for “Server ID " changes. In this case, with the DB upgrade, the check in the “Server ID " code will not pass. So how should we do the upgrade of DB?