Last analysis failed Analysis ID "2631ca37-5f63-4da0-b063-3324fc6527d0"

Last analysis failed Analysis ID “2631ca37-5f63-4da0-b063-3324fc6527d0”

Hi @Farts3 , welcome to the community!

Do you still have failures of the automatic analysis today?

We had an internal error during the processing of this analysis

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 7 is not a valid line offset for pointer. File .../goodsList/index.vue has 6 character(s) at line 213

There are also several warnings like this one:

WARN: Invalid character encountered in file .../config/auth.php at line 2 for encoding UTF-8. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'.

Could you try to set the sonar.sourceEncoding property to the value matching the content of your files?
Here is the documentation to configure it for automatic analysis: Automatic analysis & SonarCloud

Hope that helps,