How to get Notifications from SonarCloud after every scan?

Hi Folks,

I need to know how to enable the notification from SonarCloud. So that all the dev team members will get to know what are the respective issues assigned to them.

cc: @Sakthivel_Gopal

Hey there.

Your developers can subscribe to notifications – you cannot subscribe to them on their behalf.

Thanks for the reply @Colin

I have tested this. I am not able to get notifications even after tickets are assigned to me.

Do we need to make some configuration for notifications?
For example from which email we will get notifications.

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Same problem here - notifications of any kind aren’t sent from branch scan. Any advice?

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I have the same problem. I am not able to visualize notifications after issues are assigned to me. Please, could you help us?

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Hi Team,

I am having the same problem, do Sonarqube have any solutions or workaround for the same?? we are enterprise license user.
