I need some help regarding email notifications from SonarCloud.
As you can see on the screenshot below I have checked all notifications it looks similar on the project level, nevertheless I never (and no one from our team) got any email from SonarCloud.
Sonar is triggered automatically on the pipeline, whenever a new PR is created. I can see on the PR level all sonar issues in the comments, I can see the problems on the SonarCloud webpage, but I don’t receive an email when it happens. Is there a way to fix that?
Before we dig further into this, can you verify that you’ve checked your spam filter, please? And/or can you check with your corporate email server owners to make sure these notifications aren’t blocked at that level?
I checked my spam and filters and everything looks ok. I also inquired with the IT department and nothing is blocked at the corporate level either. However, they do have a question as to whether they could get an email that is used for sending notifications from SonarCloud.
In general, you shouldn’t have these emails generated for PRs that you have created yourself, however, are you also not seeing these emails for PRs created for others?
What exactly does it mean “created yourself”? When I’m creating a pull request in Azure DevOps there is a SonarCloud quality gate starting, does it mean that I’m creating that PR and therefore I’ll not receive any emails? If so then do you know how I can change that? How can I be assigned to issues found in that PR but not be the creator?
The initial issue for us is that the SonarCloud build breaker stopped working, so now we don’t get an email with a notification when it doesn’t pass the quality gate, that’s why we would love to get those emails from SonarCloud when there is some issue found in ours PRs.
I see what you mean about this email for the QualityGate is broken, I will have to investigate further to see if this is possible. From my tests I am also not receiving these emails when I make breaking changes, I however do see emails when someone else makes changes which effects items which I have assigned to me. I will need to investigate further to see if there is an issue here. In this case, I would agree that this is confusing as I would also have expected this to have sent an email.
In this case, by “Created yourself” I would mean that you have created the PR, at this point the system would see you as the creator of the issues which have been raised and would therefore exclude you from the emails which were being generated. However then if someone was to make changes to these issues which were assigned to you then I would expect you to be informed about these changes.
Here is an example of an email which has been generated in this case: