How to connect to sonarqube from visual studio 2019 with keycloak

Hello can you tell me what username/token and password to use from visual studio 2019 with sonarlint when we use keycloak to connect to our sonarqube server in QA?


Hello @N_B and welcome to the community :wave:

You need to input a token or username + password in order to connect to the server.
We do not support SSO at the moment so you will need to request a token that you can use.

I hope this answers your question.

Please refer to our documentation about connected mode.

Hello Rita thanks for your feedback and help.
Could I ask for the SSO in the new feature?

Thanks again for your documentation it was not easy to find it !
I would suggest to add more links to all documentation about sonarlint directly in the sonarlint welcome page

Kind regards :slight_smile:


Hi Nicolas, sure!
Please feel free to open a new thread under New Features category with an explanation of your use case.
We will track the feature request and other users can vote for it.