How can i “provision” the SonarLint-Eclipse Plugin for an existing workspace?

As discussed in this thread this manual process is even too much for some members of our team. It would be great if something could be improved.

As for the suggestion with Oomph, I do not see any possibility to automate the connection to the SonarQube Server right now.

  1. The server management is in a separated view (and not in the general workspace preferences), I can not use the Oomph pref recorder to record and replay this configuration across the team workspace.
  2. It would be great to have a specific Oomph setup task to configure the SonarQube server (in a similar way that you can define that you would like to query your issue-tracker as part of the Oomph setup script).
  3. As alternative, could you provide an hint where the server-setup is stored? Is that a file in the .metadata folder of the workspace?
    => I am ready to investigate even nonofficial API to perform the setup.