Can SonarQube Community Edition be used in the development of commercial software? (Current version)
A question came up that SonarQube CE is capable of storing history, but this requires that you buy an Enterprise online license to use. I have not found anything to this effect, therefore I turn to the community to help understand this and possibly provide links to support positions.
I don’t understand this post at all
Hi, I will try to elaborate as there are two parts.
I have a contractor stating that SonarQube Community Edition does not have a history retention feature, but that it is in Developer Edition or other edition, thus where licensing comes in.
Additionally, he states that the Community Edition can not be used to develop commercial software.
This is false.
I don’t know what is this feature. For my knowledge all editions have tools to remove old data.
The history feature refers to keeping history and being able to see it or report on it.
What I have been reading in the documentation for CE, visual history is there which is why I am turning to the community to see if there is something I am missing.
All editions (including community edition) retain historical scans. You can configure how long you want history to be retained.
Thanks for the feedback.