Change Azure Devops link in organization

We recently changed the name of our devops organization and the URL of our devops organization changed because of that. Is there a way to change the linked azure devops in the settings for an organisation?

In the settings it just says This SonarCloud organization is currently connected to the following Azure DevOps organization with a link that ends in 404.

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Hello @Rooc,

I can unbind your organization and let you bind it again to the new one.

Unfortunately, currently there will be no option to rebind the projects themselves. You will need to reimport them. Legacy projects belonging to the previous org name will still exist, but won’t be updated anymore, you can keep them for historical reasons or remove them.

Please let me know if you want me to start this action.

Hi Florian_Thoni could you start that process, what information do you need from us for that?

Hello @Rooc,

I’ve been able to confirm your identity and I have performed the unbinding actions. You should now be able to rebind the organization.

Please let me know if I can help you in any way.
Have a good day,

It worked, thank you have a good day as well

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