AzDO organisation name changed

The name of my company’s organization on Azure DevOps has been changed, including a change of URL. Following that, we can’t use SonarCloud as it is bind to the old url of the AzDO organization.

I could not find any topic, nor documentation on how to process with this issue. What I found, are some similar topics, where SonarSources were able to unbind the azdo account from Sonar.

Is it possible to do the same with my organization, so we can add a new AzDO and recreate projects?


Hello Tom.

Can you still login to SonarCloud? What do you mean exactly by “we can’t use SonarCloud”?




I can login to sonarcloud.
By “can’t use” I meant we cannot use sonar to analyze our projects in AzDo, since it is not linked to the new organization.

The fact is:
We have renamed the Azure Devops organization. Its URL has changed.
We have old (old url) Azure DevOps binded/linked to the SonarCloud organization.
I’d like to have a new, renamed organization linked, so I can add and analyze projects in SonarCloud.

That’s it.

I’ve linked a similar thread to mine, in my previous post.
I’m not quite sure what is unclear here :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve sent you requested information via PM.

– Tom

Hi @tomnow.

I’m sorry for the long delay. Several discussions have been triggered by this subject, because yours is not the only case open right now on Community.

So, I finally have a final word from the team, and the agreed recommendation for this case is to just go along with what you are doing. You already created a new organization, and I hope your pipelines are working now. Next, just delete the old organization if you don’t need it, or downgrade it to free for the time being.

I know that the decision might be not very exciting for you, specially because you did exactly what we decided to recommend our users to do from now on. :joy:

In the future, we might have a feature to make this process smoother. Our product team already is aware of this subject.

That’s all on my side, so, if you experience any issues from the point you are now, don’t hesitate in contacting us.


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