Can't add more members to organisation

I am trying to add a member of our dev team to our organisation account so they can review the analysis output.

I have successfully done this several times before, but now I don’t have the option to add then as the user limit has been reached.

I have looked through the documents and pricing, but can find nothing about a maximum number of members per organisation/ tier.
This is our current plan:

Any ideas?

We are experiencing the same problem…
I went through the same checks as Mike, all seems ok with our account and billing…

Any comments on this from the SonarQube team?

Welcome to the community @arnomessiaen and @Mike_Reynolds

Thank you for raising this, we are looking into this and will come back to you.


Thanks John!

Hi all,

We’ve declared an incident for this, and are currently working on a rollback.


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Hello all,
the incident has been resolved.

Thank you!

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