Legacy plan - unable to add new members to an org

We have been using Sonarcloud for the past year, currently on a legacy plan that covers upto 100k LOC. We have 23 users added to our organization under this plan.

I’m currently unable to add new members to this organization. They have signed up to Sonarcloud using their GitHub account, but when I try and add them as members using their exact email addresses, I’m unable to find their account and add them.

I’m wondering if there’s been a recent change to how many users this plan supports.

Any thoughts?

Hey @sandeepmenon24

This shouldn’t be related to any plan limitations.

This reminds me of another issue that came around last week. Can your users check to see if they have an e-mail address listed under My Account?

Aha, they do not have an email address listed.

Hey @sandeepmenon24

We’re investgiating this as an incident.

@sandeepmenon24 could you check with your users if at least one of their registered email in GitHub is verified? (this can be found under the URL Sign in to GitHub · GitHub)

It would be of great help if you could share a screenshot of the Emails section for one of the problematic user. Similar to this one:

That’s probably it. One of our users with this issue verified his registered email, and now I can add him to the org. I’ll do this with the other users as well and see if its fixed for everyone.


Thanks for checking and confirming :pray: