Can't add users from GitHub to Sonar organization

We’ve successfully had users create SonarCloud accounts via the “Login with GitHub” flow before, but I have some users that I am unable to add to our organization because they cannot be found (“No results” returned when searching to add with e-mail). One user has shared with me a screenshot of their profile and it doesn’t looks correct to me. In his profile information doesn’t appear the e-mail account, only his GitHub username. Need some help please to troubleshoot or to find the right place to get help.

Thank you for helping,

Hey there.

We’re currently aware of some delays when users sign up for SonarCloud and when they appear in user search. We expect that delay to be max an hour, and we are actively working on a fix. Can you tell us know if the issue persists?

Hi, thank you for the response.

Unfortunately the issue persists, It’s been 4 days since users sing up on Sonar but they still don’t appear in the user search. I still suspect this is due to users not showing an associated email, other than the GitHub user.

Thank you,

Thanks for directing me back to that point. So just to confirm, this doesn’t appear for your user?

If so, I’ll get in touch for their GitHub username and see if we can figure out what’s going on. It shouldn’t be possible for a user to be both logged in and not have an e-mail.

Sorry for the delay,

Yes, it was found that some users who logged in using GitHub did not have the associated email in their accounts, as shown in the image below.

Super weird. I’ve flagged this for attention.

Hello Gabriel,

I am investigating your issue. I will initiate a private conversation and ask you for further informations.


We have been able to solve Gabriel’s issue by updating the email address of the impacted users.

Hi Nolwenn
I’ve seem to run into the same problem in my organization.
Is there a solution that I could apply?

Thank you, and best regards

Hey @GustavoLFSantos (and @gnsilva1_kpmg)

We’ve raised this as an incident internally to figure out why some users aren’t getting e-mail addresses when logging in via GitHub. We’ll update this thread as we learn more.

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@GustavoLFSantos and @gnsilva1_kpmg, could you check with your users if at least one of their registered email in GitHub is verified? (this can be found under the URL Sign in to GitHub · GitHub)

It would be of great help if you could share a screenshot of the Emails section for one of the problematic user. Similar to this one:

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Hi everyone,

We can confirm that we have identified the root cause of the issue and it comes from emails not being verified on Github. So if you face this issue, you should ask the impacted user to verify their primary email address and then to login again to SonarQube cloud.

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Hi everyone!
Thanks for the quick reply!

I was, indeed, an user with an unverified primary email on Github.
After verifying, and asking the user to try and log in again on SonarQube cloud, the email was found on the known users list.

Once again, thank you for all the help!

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