What is the 'author' of an issue?

Sonarqube issue option
what is author?


I believe you’re asking what it means to be the “author” of an issue. The author is the person who had last modified the line on which the issue was raised when the issue was raised.


Hai I am really struggle to learn sonarqube. please help me .

Pls suggest sonarqube video or demo.

Official documents are useless .


I’m sorry you don’t find the documentation helpful. There are plenty of blog posts out there, but I think they’re mainly about getting things set up. I’m not aware of any other materials.

Feel free to come back here (in new threads) with specific questions.


How do write a custom rules in js?
I need step by step procedure.


Since you’ve posted this question in a new thread, I’ll consider this thread closed.
