Author of the issues are not displayed in some projects

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

SonarQube 6.7.6

  • Android 1.1 installed
  • Checkstyle 2.4 installed
  • Dependency-Check 1.1.1 installed
  • Findbugs 3.3 installed
  • Git 1.8 (build 1574) installed
  • GitHub 1.4.2 (build 1027) installed
  • Gosu 1.0-SNAPSHOT installed
  • PMD 2.5 installed
  • SonarCSS 1.0.3 (build 724) installed
  • SonarHTML 3.1 (build 1615) installed
  • SonarJS 5.1.1 (build 7506) installed
  • SonarJava 5.8 (build 15699) installed
  • SonarPHP installed
  • SonarTS 1.9 (build 3766) installed
  • SonarXML 2.0.1 (build 2020) installed

We are working with Jenkins to execute SonarQube analysis. The source code repository is GitHub.In my own SonarQube projects, all issues has got an author. But some of my customers hasn’t got the list of authors nor the assignee.
I was digging the internet but did not find a solution, why it is not working for this project.

Do you see a warning like
Missing blame information for the following files: ?
in your logs?
Maybe you have to play around with the –depth parameter, when checking out the project in Jenkins.

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Hi Matthias
Thank you for your reply.
The analysis is running smoothly without any warnings in the logs


Do you see ‘blame’ data in your file margins in SonarQube? E.G.




Hi Ann
Sorry for my late reply
No, no name is standing in this column.
There is not author or assignee defined


Since you don’t see blame data in your file margin, that tells me that SCM-integration, which is required for issue assignment, is disabled. The first place to look for that is in your project settings, via the UI.


Hi Ann
Thank you for your hint. I tried your setting but still no luck for one project. So I went again through the Jenkinsfile and figured out one difference. If I use the “git” check out, it works out of the box.
If I use the “scm” check out and the “Nested Choice of Objects” “CloneOption”, I have to set “shallow” to false.
So, the checkout is important and the SCM setting in SonarQube.
Thank you
Regards Raphael

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