Update sonarqube 7.9.1. to 8.6.1

Hi all

I have just installed sonarqube 7.9.1 with an MSSQL database.
I followed instructions on this link.

  • My old install is in folder D:\sonarqube-7.9.1\
  • I unzip the fnew install in a new folder D:\sonarqube-8.6.1
  • I change the info in the conf/sonar.properties file (in 8.6.1) with the same info as in the other one (in 7.9.1)
  • I stop the service with “D:\sonarqube-7.9.1\bin\windows-x86-64\StopNTService.bat”
  • Start the new service with “D:\sonarqube-8.6.1\bin\windows-x86-64\StartNTService.bat” service starts with the same account as in the database

Service start again > OK
Ran url/setup > Message database is up to date

But in Admin / system i’m still under sonarqube 7.9.1 with the old folder structure and db is not updated

Can someone help me ?


It’s not clear to me why you started by installing 7.9.1 if your goal was 8.6.1. You could have started there. :woman_shrugging:

Anyway… How did you stop the old service and start the new one? At a guess you have the path to the old script cached somewhere.


Hi Ann

You’re right but we needed to test also the upgrade process before rolling it out. As explained in my first topic …
So, now, I could upgrade from 7.9.1 to 7.9.5 and then to 8.6.1.

But now I have 2 other questions :slight_smile:

  • In v 8.6.1, I don’t find to Installservice.bat and uninstallservice.bat
  • When you say, stop the old server. I uninstalled the service and rename the folder. Is that the right way to to?



No need to go to 7.9.5. You can jump straight to 8.6.1 if you like.

That happened in 8.5.

Aaand… did you somewhere in there shut down the service?


A post was split to a new topic: New schema created after upgrade?