Unlinked bitbucket repository present "error" message to users

Some of our Bitbucket projects are linked with SonarCloud but some aren’t. The ones that aren’t constantly present the below “error” message to non-admin users about unable to link the repository to Sonar, even after they try to remove it… how can we get rid of this error?

Thanks for reporting this. We’re looking into fixing this, and will keep you posted.

Just to give you a quick update, we’ve spent considerable effort investigating this. The solution is not straightforward, we’re still working out the best way to do it. Stay tuned!

Hello @Roy_Sela,
I investigated a bit and found the culprit. I added a ticket about your problem https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SCCOMM-39, we will let you know once it is fixed.
Thanks for your patience.

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Hello @Roy_Sela,
We deployed a fix this morning, things should be less noisy now.
Have a nice day!

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