Unable to install plugin in commercial sonarqube server

We just update to the new LTS version in 2 versions : community and developer.
The community server has been updated without problems and i’m able to install plugins using the admin interface.
The developer server didn’t allow to install plugin with the marketplace.
We decide to copy plugins from the community server to developer one.
after restarting the projet, we have this error :
“Web server startup failed: The following plugins are no longer compatible with this version of SonarQube: ‘authgithub’, ‘authsaml’, ‘ldap’, ‘scmgit’, ‘scmsvn’”
the plugin list we want to install is this one :

  • mutation-analysis-plugin-1.5.jar
  • sonar-clover-plugin-4.1.jar
  • sonar-dependency-check-plugin-2.0.8.jar
  • sonar-groovy-plugin-1.8.jar
  • sonar-xsl-plugin-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

The error has nothing in common with the plugin we try to install.
Is there anything we forget to do ?
Thanks for your help

Hi @Cyrille, welcome to the SonarSource Community!

The SonarSource-authored plugins were converted from plugins to bundled software during the SonarQube 8.x series. So you don’t want to try to carry over old plugins of ours; this is the source of your error.

If you want to install that specific list of plugins, try installing only the jar files for those plugins. Before doing so, you should check if newer versions of any/all of them are available. If you get a similar error, troubleshoot by removing and adding the plugins one at a time.

I say to the operational team to put just our 5 plugins but he puts all old plugins.
Communication problem.
Thanks for helping.

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