Unable to download TFS extension

I am trying to download the SonarQube TFS extension from the marketplace, but it is encountering an error and cannot download.

I am running TFS2017.3 on prem. My installation is behind an internet isolated firewall, so that may be the issue. Can you provide the latest SonarQube TFS extension separately so that I can install it?



VSIX downloads are available on the github page for the SonarQube Scanner for VSTS Extension (https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-scanner-vsts/releases)


For what it’s worth it looks to me like the vsix is also directly served by the Microsoft Marketplace itself. Extension page, hit Get it free, and:

I did finally find that download for on prem TFS. I got the extension installed (v4.3.0), and now have the SQ tasks available to me for adding to a build configuration.

However, the SQ analysis tasks themselves have [DEPRECATED] appended to the description. Why would it have deprecated if I am using the latest version of the extension? Also, there is no option to add a SonarQube service endpoint to my services within TFS. It has other endpoints that I have added thru an extension (BlackDuck being one of them) . So not sure what is going on with this extension. SQ%20Tasks

Any advice/help would be appreciated. Again I have TFS2017 Update 3.

I just figured it out. After I installed the .vsix, I thought I was done, but apparently not. I navigated to “Browse local Extensions” in my TFS dashboard, and under the Build and Release extensions, I saw the SonarQube one. I clicked on it and there was an “Install” button. I figured it was already installed, but hit it anyway and it performed some more magic and finished up.

I then went back to my service endpoints and low and behold, the SonarQube endpoint was available for configuration. I set it up, then went to my build configuration and found that the very latest SQ analysis tasks were available.

So, I think in this case, the SQ extension install documentation is seriously lacking and need to be updated with the above so newbies like me don’t get lost trying to figure out what the heck is wrong.

Now to actually try running a SQ analysis within a build…

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