Sonarqube TFS 2017 Extension

I have a TFS 2017 update 3, I downloaded the sonarqube extension from the marketplace, this is the link:

The extension states that it works with TFS 2017 update 3; however when I try to install it on the TFS server, I get the following error:

9/11/2019 5:11:27 PM - Supported Products :
9/11/2019 5:11:27 PM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Cloud
9/11/2019 5:11:27 PM - Version :
9/11/2019 5:11:27 PM - Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server
9/11/2019 5:11:27 PM - Version : [15.2,)

The file I downloaded from the market place is: SonarSource.sonarqube-4.7.2.vsix , this is what is available at the marketplace.

My TFS is not version 15.2
My TFS is 15.117

I think, 15.2 might be TFS 2018.

does anyone knows of an extension for TFS 2017 older than version 4.7.2 ? if so, how can I get that extension? I have searched with no luck, so far.



We currently have an issue with something on manifest files that prevent newest installation of the extension (4.7+) in TFS 2017.

You can find all of the release and their respectives vsix files here :

You can install 4.6.3 from there, which should be fine with your version.

A newest version is in the pipe, hopefully fixing this.



Hi, thanks for your reply.

I tried 4.6.3; but still did not work. It seems that is not detecting TFS 2017 for some reason.
The error logs was showing ā€˜ssmsā€™ detected, I went ahead ahead and install the latest ssms and now it does not show in the error logs. I tried all the way to 3.0.0 extension version , and still does not installs.
Below is the content of the Install Log, perhaps that would help to determine what the issue is, see below for your reference:

9/12/2019 4:28:41 PM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
9/12/2019 4:28:41 PM - -------------------------------------------
9/12/2019 4:28:41 PM - Initializing Installā€¦
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - Extension Detailsā€¦
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - Identifier : sonarqube
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - Name : SonarQube
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - Author : sonarsource
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - Version : 4.6.3
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - Description : Detect bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells across project branches and pull requests.
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - Locale : en-US
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - MoreInfoURL :
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - InstalledByMSI : False
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [0.0,2147483647.2147483647]
9/12/2019 4:28:42 PM -
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - Supported Products :
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Cloud
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - Version :
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - Version : [15.2,)
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM -
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - References :
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM -
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - Searching for applicable productsā€¦
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - Found installed product - Global Location
9/12/2019 4:28:43 PM - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall(Boolean isRepairSupported)
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

any suggestion?



Do you have the exact build version of your TFS installed ? You can go to the ā€œthree dotsā€ button on the top right corner, then ā€œaboutā€.



yes, this is what I have:

About Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server - Microsoft Team Foundation Server

About Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server

Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server

Version 15.117.27414.0

Ā© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Iā€™m not sure that you can install the extension with VSIX installer. Can you try install it directly from the TFS UI ?


You are correct the VSIX installer is not able to install the extension, that was the problem. Thank you for the link to TFS UI. I did the TFS UI ā€œupload extensionā€, to upload and then install within TFS and it worked. Now I see the new Sonarqube (not deprecated) build tasks.

Thanks for your help,


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