Synchronize accounts from our Azure DevOps organizations

Template for a good new topic, formatted with Markdown:

  • ALM used Azure DevOps
  • CI system used Azure DevOps

We are attempting to synchronize accounts from our Azure DevOps organizations.

The documentation lists bitbucket and github, however it does not list ADO.

  1. Click your profile picture in the top right menu and select the organization.

  2. In the organization menu, click “Administration > Organization settings”

  3. Click on “Choose an organization on GitHub”.

  4. Click your profile picture in the top right menu and select the organization.

  5. In the organization menu, click “Administration > Organization settings”

  6. Click on “Choose a team on Bitbucket”.
    Step 3 is not available within SonarCloud and we were wondering how we would go about connecting all of the ADO organizations that we have.

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Hi @JohnW and welcome to the community !

The “team” object is not the same on Microsoft’s side as the one on Bitbucket and GitHub.

Currently, Microsoft doesn’t offer a reliable way to list users of an Azure DevOps organization, so we can’t implement it on our side.

But soon there will be a improviement for choosing which repository you want to bind to a new SonarCloud project, that will be a first baby step of the revamped AzDO experience on SonarCloud, stay tuned !


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Hi @mickaelcaro,

we are currently struggling with similar issue: how to import&keep synchronized our users from DevOps to SonarCloud.

Is it still valid Azure DevOps can’t provide list of users? I am able to list all users in our organization with rights to Azure DevOps (basic license, stakeholder…) like this:

az devops user list --organization --output json

You then have information such as

      "accessLevel": {
        "accountLicenseType": "none",
        "assignmentSource": "unknown",
        "licenseDisplayName": "Visual Studio Professional subscription",
        "licensingSource": "msdn",
        "msdnLicenseType": "professional",
        "status": "active",
        "statusMessage": ""
      "dateCreated": "2017-12-27T20:22:59.483Z",
      "extensions": [],
      "groupAssignments": [],
      "id": "340e60cd-...35",
      "lastAccessedDate": "2021-03-11T04:45:24.230439+00:00",
      "projectEntitlements": [],
      "user": {
        "descriptor": "aad.YzEw...3",
        "directoryAlias": "XXXX",
        "displayName": "XXXX XXXXX",
        "domain": "e46...e",
        "isDeletedInOrigin": null,
        "legacyDescriptor": null,
        "mailAddress": "",
        "metaType": "member",
        "metadataUpdateDate": null,
        "origin": "aad",
        "originId": "f5...96",
        "principalName": "",
        "subjectKind": "user",
        "url": ""

I expect there is also some REST/Graph API to access such information (via PAT token).

Hi @jvilimek

Thanks for the pointer, i’ll try to have a look at that, but IIRC the az commandline requires an UI login, isn’t it ? Or at least some ARM template with specific authentication.

actually we are using it (az devops cli) from azure devops pipeline and there is a connector for it.

For other pipelines (e.g. Github) you can add personal access token (PAT) to environment variable AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT and it will use it. See Sign in with a Personal Access Token (PAT), Azure DevOps CLI - Azure DevOps | Microsoft Docs

as for the REST here are the docs: REST APIs for Azure DevOps - Azure DevOps | Microsoft Docs

maybe its related? Azure DevOps user synchronization

did it help?

Yes thanks. I tested the az devops CLI, unfortunately with only PAT authentication, there are no possiblity to list users of an organization.

Why do you think so? Is it, because you got the The requested resource requires user authentication: 100 ? This is unfortunatelly a false error, see some similar issue here: Auth documentation could be improved · Issue #670 · Azure/azure-devops-cli-extension · GitHub

The correct error would be insufficient rights

In case you create a PAT token with full access it will work

and then following works

$token = Read-Host
$token | az devops login --org
az devops user list --organization --output json

Ofc the “full” scope is not ideal so would be great to figure out the exact permission needed to list the users…

Hope this helps and you would be able to implement the integration with Azure AD asap…would be very helpfull for us.

Or do you have any APIs on your side for user creation/rights assignment etc?

Thanks for the information.

Yes that is definitely something we don’t want, and haven’t got the time yet to figure that out. We’ll defintely take this into consideration.
