Support for using the community edition

We use SonarQube community edition and we are really happy with that. There are currently no plans to update to any paid edition. However, we want to support the project in some way. Is there a way how we can donate some money?


Hey there.

Commercial Support is only available for paid editions of SonarQube. Without the possibility of Commercial Support, this Community is a great place to ask questions and have discussions about your usage of SonarQube.

We do not want to get support from you, we want to support you! Donate some money to you!


Oh wow :laughing: You can imagine we don’t get questions like that very often! Sorry for operating on auto-pilot.

We really appreciate the thought – but Sonar (the company responsible for SonarQube, SonarCloud, and SonarLint) doesn’t accept donations at this time. If you see us at a conference though, feel free to buy our developers a beer.

We encourage you to donate to other open source projects that really need the funding. :star_struck:


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