Community Build to Paid Edition Migrations

Given the new changes to the Community Build, how are we to know an appropriate upgrade path from the community build to a paid version of SonarQube?
This was previously well explained with the LTA versioning on the docs, however the new community build CalVer is not mentioned at all in these docs anymore.
It also seems logical to suggest that there will be times when the most recent paid version is older than the current community build, i.e next month 25.1 would possibly have features not in 10.8. How would this kind of scenario be supported?

The lack of documentation (including the lack of version selection options on the new SonarQube Community Build documentation page) around the new versioning structure (and why we needed to make this change in the first place??) is becoming quite a concern for me.

Hey @AlexS!

You’re right – the documentation should better reflect the upgrade path from Community Build to SonarQube Server (and vise-versa). Those changes to the docs are currently being drafted.

Right now it’s pretty easy since there’s only a single release of Community Build – and it corresponds to the release of SonarQube v10.8.

Things will indeed grow more complicated with the release of v25.1, since it won’t be possible to upgrade SonarQube Community Build v25.1 to SonarQube Server until the next release of SonarQube Server. I’m sure our docs will be in shape to address this scenario before then :crossed_fingers:

Officially, there is only one release of SonarQube Community Build. All releases of Community Edition are documented with the SonarQube Server docs for their respective versions. I’m not sure what we intend to do with Community Build once there are multiple versions, but I will ask!