Sonarversion 9.5.0 chartversion sonarqube-4.0.2+325 plugin missing


We encountered an issue about sonar plugin missing from marketplace(installed). Usually, it happened per three months, the only way we resolve the problem is delete sonarqube pod, let it restart.

Cloud anyone help me for this issue?

Hi @Peifeng_Ying ,

did you enable persistency in your values? if not and you still want to make sure that certain 3rd party plugins are installed whenever the pod gets rescheduled to another node, you can specify the full path in plugins.install (should be a list to the download path of the plugin like here). there is a init container that downloads them on startup everytime.

hope that helps

Hey @DefinitelyNotTobi, thanks for answering this :slight_smile:

@Peifeng_Ying, thanks for posting in our community. Did @DefinitelyNotTobi’s hint solve your issue? If not, which is the plugin you are talking about? Please also note that plugins available in the Marketplace are not provided or supported by SonarSource.