Sonarqube DE : Plugin Issues

Our installation is Docker based LTS version 7.9.2. We are using PostgreSQL 10.12.

We have a valid license for SonarQube DE, see below details.
We are facing issues with plugin installations, despite having a valid license, we can see the message Available under our commercial editions” on marketplace. Listing below few plugins which are showing this behavior.

CFamily Code Quality and Security

SonarPLSQL (it was having the same issue, but we installed it manually by extracting the jar file in $SONARQUBE_HOME/extensions/plugins directory and restarting the server.


Any help is appreciated in this context. Let us know if you need more details. (20.6 KB)

System info and Logs are included in attached zip.


Welcome to the community!

I believe you can run into plugin/language problems if you’re using bind mounts rather than volumes, as noted in the docs.


We do use volumes, not using bind mounts. We have installed this service on one of our on premise Kubernetes clusters. As per our current setup, we have a default storage class to create and use PVCs for this deployment.

Any help is appreciated, please revert.


Hi @manish.shrivastava ,

k8s is currently not supported as a platform for sonarqube and sadly you ran into one of the reasons why :confused: while we plan on improving on this front in the future, i suspect that in your case the pvc for the plugins is initialized empty.
you could download the required plugins via a init container in your deployment to the empty pv, or not have a pvc for the plugins at all if you plan on only using plugins provided by sonarsource

hope that helps

HI Thanks for the update. It will be great help, if you can help me with the download url for this plugin “CFamily Code Quality and Security”?

Its really needed.


That would be here:

please keep the version matrix in mind ;D