Sonarqube webhook fails intermittently


I am running sonarqube Community Edition Version 8.3 (build 34182) & Jenkins 2.240 with sonarqube scanner(2.11) plugin as pods in same namespace of an EKS cluster.

The issue i see is intermittent failure of sonarqube webhook delivery to the jenkins machine saying “server unreachable”, if i restart sonarqube server it will start delivering the webhook as expected. After some days i face the same issue again.

I tried to look up the sonarqube logs where I could not find enough information to figure out why it is happening, server restart is a kind of workaround i am following and i am looking for a permanent fix for this issue.


Welcome to the community!

Just to be really clear, are you restarting SonarQube itself or the box it runs on? Because off-hand this sounds like a problem with some resource outside of SonarQube.


Thanks Ann!

I mean clicking the “Restart Server” from admin console, and this restarts the sonarqube pod running in the EKS cluster.


We have the exact same issue with our set up.
It seems to be an issue with sonarqube itself, since executing a curl command from the sonarqube pod works while sonarqube complains it cannot reach the server.

Hi @miquelx ,

welcome to the community :wave:
can you state the SQ version that you are running? there was a bug with the DNS cache policy in SQ but it should be fixed with SONAR-14870.
you can set the dns cache policy manually as written in our docs:

echo "networkaddress.cache.ttl=5" >> "${JAVA_HOME}/conf/security/" 
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