Sonarqube Upgrade Failed

I was upgrading a version 5.6.6 to a 6.7, which failed during Migration. No biggie, as I had backed my stuff up. However, when I rolled back the db and try to start the old Sonar again, I get “Current version is too old”. Is there anything I’m missing?


It sounds like you’re pointing your 5.6.6 instance at a (partially?) upgraded database. Are you sure your DB restore went as expected?


Yeah, I think the db is partially upgraded due to a previously botched upgrade attemt. This is just something I just got my hands on, so I’m still figuring out what the history is with this system.

Anyway, I decided to simply start fresh from a 6.7, but I still have the old db (which seems to point at a v4.2), would there be any easy way to migrate the rules there was set up from that?


In the Quality Profiles page you should find a “Back up” option for each profile. That gives you an XML file (IIRC) for the profile. You can then “Restore” the profiles one by one.


My problem is, I never got the old version up and running again, due to the “Current version is too old”. However I do still have the backed up database. Would that be possible to use somehow or would migration be too much of a hassle?


Yeah, I wondered about that. As I said before, it sounds like your 5.6 DB restore didn’t work as planned. I would try deleting the SQ database and restoring from the backup.
