SonarQube Timeout and Data Reload Issue After PostgreSQL Upgrade to 15.7

Hi All,
Due to the End of Life (EOL) of PostgreSQL 12, we upgraded our SonarQube database from PostgreSQL 12 to 15.7. However, after the upgrade:

  • SonarQube was timing-out during the scan process.
  • The dashboard became stuck on the message:

SonarQube is reloading project data. Some projects will be unavailable until this process is complete. 0% complete.`

This issue persisted indefinitely, with no progress beyond 0%.


  • SonarQube was able to successfully connect and query the the PostgreSQL 15,7 , as confirmed through checks.

Due to this issue, we performed a rollback to PostgreSQL 12, where SonarQube is functioning correctly again.

Environment Details:

  • SonarQube Edition: Developer Edition
  • SonarQube Version: 9.9.1
  • PostgreSQL : AWS RDS PostgreSQL version 15.7

If anyone has experience or insights on resolving issues with SonarQube after upgrading to PostgreSQL version 15, any guidance or advice would be highly appreciated.

Thank you!

Hey there

Have you checked out this guide?

Yes, it worked! Thank you so much Colin !

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