Sonarqube docker upgrade failed 9.5 to 9.6

I have installed sonarqube and PostgreSQL separate docker container. Now I upgrade sonar in to 9.6 from 9.5. But sonarqube stuck in maintenance mode.

Database needs to be migrated. Please refer to

I have gone through documentation and ran VACUUM command in PostgreSQL database

It works after go to the [database migration] (


Welcome to the community!

I’m glad you worked through this. And hopefully you’ll continue your upgrade journey and skip straight to 9.9.

:warning: Make sure you upgrade to SonarQube v9.9 LTS soon, not only to benefit from our Best LTS Ever™, but because soon we will systematically ask users to upgrade when they ask questions about earlier versions of SonarQube, which are now considered unsupported. :smiley:
