SonarQube 9.5 released

Hi all,

SonarSource is proud to announce the release of SonarQube 9.5, with a faster first analysis for Git projects, new runtime error detection rules for Java, and much more. Details in the official announcement.

In addition, there are a few other items to note in the release:

  • We’ve extracted the API used to develop plugins from SonarQube. The sonar-plugin-api is now released independently. See the documentation for more information about how to use it. (SONAR-16232).
  • The ‘Execute Analysis’ permission is now enough to check the Quality Gate status of projects in the pipeline. No need for the token being used to have the ‘Browse’ permission. (SONAR-16453).
  • We’ve limited status changes in the issue history to the most recent ones to avoid keeping useless records that can impact the size of your database. (SONAR-15321).

You’ll find more details in the upgrade notes and full details in the release notes. Please open new threads for any questions you have about these or other features.

As usual, download is available at Docker images are also available on Docker Hub.



Do we need to restart server after upgrade? I do some data is off after upgrade.

Hi @cathy,

Welcome to the community!

The Upgrade Guide should be used in all upgrades.



How to get the detailed project release report? I cannot find it after I click on each individual project. We are using enterprise version.


Hi Cathy,

You can access the new “regulatory report” from the Project Information panel of your project.


Hi Chris,

Thank you so much! I can get it now.


I know you are still working on moving your jira instance around (at least that’s my understanding of Our Jira projects are moving!), but it would be great to get the release notes back at some point. The

link currently result in a “access denied” message :confused:

Hi NotTobi,

Thanks for reporting it and sorry for the inconvenience. We are working on a fix.


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We’ve mitigated the problem and you now access again the past Release Notes.


Hi @Chris,

Seems like this is not 100% yet right? I am still redirected to a login field when clicking on any release note link


It should work.
Maybe a problem with the cache of your web browser? Please try with an old release notes that you’ve not visited recently.


Ah indeed I could check older release notes. Thanks :+1:

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Hi Christophe,

It’s Feb 2023 and 9.5 is already End of life? Less than a year?

Seems like a strange business model…

Rick Sheeley, Dell/Boeing Support

@ricksheeley the supported versions are the LTS and the Latest. When 9.6 was released - 2 months after 9.5 - 9.5 was already out of support. If you want stability, then you want to adopt and use the LTS.
