Sonarlint visual studio 2022 preview

Is there a version of sonarlint available to use with visual studio 2022 preview? It appears the current build is unable to see that 2022 preview release is installed.

Hello @RichyAplinClements

Thank you for reporting this problem.

At the moment I am not sure what the issue is with the marketplace on vs22 preview. We don’t explicitly set any maximum version requirements for our extension, it should be available for all versions starting from vs19 16.7.

I was able to reproduce the problem of not seeing SonarLint in the Manage Extensions > Browse list, but as I was writing this reply my colleague sent me a message saying he could find it. I tried again and it reappeared for me. Though I am not sure if I really had the same problem as you, because, coincidentally, we were in the process of releasing a new version, so it might have been that.

Could you please try installing it from the marketplace again and, if it doesn’t work, could you please provide more details (screenshots, logs, etc.) so we can investigate the problem.

Meanwhile, here’s a backup version if you still experience problems with the marketplace: Releases · SonarSource/sonarlint-visualstudio · GitHub

Thank you for the quick response. If I try to search for it in VS through the extension manager, its just not found:

If I try to download directly from Visual Studio market place:
SonarLint for Visual Studio 2022 - Visual Studio Marketplace

run the installer, I get:

Looking at the install log:

dd_VSIXInstaller_20240229091056_45d4.log (4.1 KB)

Hope this helps

Thank you for providing the information.

We support Version : [17.0.31808.319,18.0), it can be verified from the logs. vsixinstaller.exe version:17.10.29-preview1+266ac2e2c8 does fall in that range. However, your vsix installer seems to not be working properly.

I am also able to install the extension using the same VS22 17.10 preview1 both via the marketplace and manual installation.

At the moment I am confused as to why it is happening to your machine specifically. What I can try to suggest is to Repair your VS installation (VS Installer > your version > More > Repair) and install this component on the screenshot if it’s not installed already:

Unfortunately no joy. I have tried the repair and also made sure the component mentioned is installed.

I am running on a ARM processor, could that be making a difference?

Ah, yes, that would explain it. Currently, we only support amd64 as our target platform.

You can suggest adding arm support in this section of the forum Topics tagged visualstudio