SonarLint analysis results are not displayed when analyze files from Git view


I am experiencing an issue with SonarLint in IntelliJ IDEA where I am unable to see the results of the analysis of files after they have been committed (from Git view). Prior to this issue, analyzing files using the keyboard shortcut would update the Report view with the issues found in the affected files.

Steps to reproduce

Open a project in IntelliJ IDEA.
Open the Git view.
Select a branch.
Select a commit or commits.
Select file or files
Execute Sonarlint analysis shortcut.
The analysis is runnning and complete successfully.
Open the Sonarlint Report view.
The issues for the affected files should not be displayed.

Expected behavior

The issues for the affected files should be displayed in the Report view.

Additional information:

IntelliJ IDEA version: 2023.2.1 and latest 2023.2.2
Operating system: Windows 11, Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Language: Java 17, Typescript
SonarLint plugin version: (also 8.5.*)
Connected to SonarQube: Community Edition Version 9.9 (build 65466)

Thank you for your time and consideration

Hi @Renaudh ,

Is the issue related to using the shortcut or is it related to not being able to see issues on the Report view after committing to a branch? Are you experiencing this issue when you don’t use the shortcut?

Hi, thanks for reply.

The issue is related to not being able to see issues on the Report view after committing to a branch.

Also, since the Analyze menu is missing in IntelliJ, how can I launch Sonarlint analysis from Git View without using a shortcut ?


Hi @Renaudh,

You do not need to launch analysis from the git view. You can launch the analysis by selecting the files you would like to analyze on Intellij’s project view, right-clicking and using the “Analyze with SonarLint” option, or by right-clicking on the file editor you are working on and starting the analysis from there.

Can you check if the issues are disappearing on the report tab after committing and triggering analysis again this way? If so, are all the issues disappearing or only specific ones? Can you share the specific issues if all of them are not disappearing?

Thank you


Before I was able to launch analyze from Git View, but I don’t understand why it’s not possible anymore.

Assuming theses commited files :

I could click on root folder (here back/*) and launch analyze with keyboard shortcut. It was simple and very fast in order to verify my branch code before push to origin.

Now, I have to find all my commited files in project view and launch analyze. In this example, I can imagine making an effort to find my 8 files and use the plugin. But, for a large commit it’s nonsense…


Hi @Renaudh, I had a look at the current behavior and I confirm this is a regression. As a result, I created this ticket that we will try to tackle when possible.

Thank you for your report!


Hi @Renaudh, just to let you know that we have released SonarLint 9.1 which should contain this fix. Let us know if you face any issues.

Thank you for using SonarLint :sonarlint:

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Hi !

Thanks for the release, it works as expected.

Have a good day.