Hello! We are having an issue with the SonarCloud + GitHub integration – in most cases, we are getting ‘SonarCloud Code Analysis Expected — Waiting for status to be reported’ (as shown in the screenshot). How can we find out what’s wrong? A couple of weeks ago, the situation was better, but now this happens very often and is affecting the development process.
Additionally, on the SonarCloud side, in the project settings (Analysis Method → Automatic Analysis), we are getting 500 errors → ‘An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later’ (as shown in the screenshot). Errors occur if you check compatibility with repository settings and enable automatic checks
This smells like something could have happened to the SonarCloud application installed in your GitHub organization. Do you see it properly bound if an organization admin goes to the Administration > Organization > Bind this organization to GitHub page?
Thanks! We re-bind the organization to GitHub page. At first everything was fine, but they began to appear again → SonarCloud Code Analysis Expected — Waiting for status to be reported and stuck
How can I find out what errors are occurring on the SonarCloud Code Analysis side? Could there be some 422 or 500 errors — maybe something is missing, or GitHub needs to be reconfigured?