Sonar Lint On The Fly View is not respecting the filter to display all violations

Please provide

  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1826]
  • SonarLint plugin version: SonarLint for Eclipse
  • Is connected mode used: Yes
    • Connected to SonarQube
  • MyEclipse on top of Eclipse (Eclipse Platform 4.22.0.v20211124-1800)

And a thorough description of the problem / question:

I want to see all violations in on-the-fly view grouped by severity for entire eclipse project.

  1. I analyzed the project(it was bound no problems)
  2. I went to on the fly view, nothing there initially(I had no files selected but I want to see all issues anyway). FWIW, if i select a file, I do see issues for selected files.
  3. I changed the filter in different ways but choose to Show All, even tried selections or workspace to show everything. None of it worked. Even when selecting the project in the explorer
  4. The report view DOES show all the issues I would expect but I cannot group by severity to deal with the majors first and if i create anything from fixing them, on the fly view is better/more reactive.

This has worked just fine in previous versions.

It seems as in the package explorer, like if I select a project on the left, the on-the-fly view is not reacting to that selection. But even so, if i want to show all, I would think that shouldn’t matter either.

Hello Ken,

Sorry for the late answer on this.

The On-The-Fly view is supposed to display only issues of the currently opened and focused file. I wonder what was happening in previous versions, maybe MyEclipse (which I’m not familiar with) behaves a bit differently ?

This behaviour is by design. With our products we want to encourage people to clean as they code, so we help them focus only on the relevant information.

We’ve had several similar requests in the past on this forum. As of today it’s still not part of our roadmap to add filtering on those views