Greetings Sonar Community!
Last week we said thanks to a lot of folks, and we had our busiest day of the year so far in the Community with 51 new topics last Thursday. This week has been quieter – maybe our users are taking some well deserved holidays (lots of SonarSourcers are as well).
And we still have a few moments we want to highlight to say Thanks!
A certain set of circumstances resulted in JSON files being analyzed by our Javascript/Typescript analyzer – raising noisy issues. Thanks @Christopher_Creel for triggering the report that led to SonarSource/SonarJS #4054
@Jos_Abrahams submits lots of reports around support of AcuCOBOL (yes, if you didn’t know, Sonar analyzes COBOL! In the early years, it kept the lights on). Another report, another ticket (SONARCOBOL-1675)
Our Python analyzer supports the
analysis parameter, but as @mp-pcm reported, providing the value3.11
was causing an analysis failure. This is now fixed! -
@axel3rd pointed out that we hadn’t marked the latest release of the SonarScanner CLI as such in GitHub. This is now done!
@rbonti, @paultung, and @Rohan_Srivastava reported an issue that tokens were appearing in the SonarQube UI and then quickly disappearing. Based on these reports, a fix will be released in SonarQube 10.2! Thanks everyone.
Caches work a little differently on Azure DevOps than other CIs (the caches are immutable) which raises some challenges when trying to cache plugins before analysis. Thanks @gug for raising the topic and providing users with your implementation.
There’s currently a good discussion between one of our developers, @Dorian_Burihabwa, and user @trajano about
. Thanks for the feedback that will make this rule more clear for everybody. -
We are still on the journey of upgrading all of our integrations to use Java 17 after the deprecation of Java 11 as a scanner runtime environment. Thanks to users who have continued to discover new places we need to update. Specifically @Edwin_Barendse, @IGx89, @steinheber, and @EdWade.
@davesykes let us know that the SonarCloud docs hadn’t been updated for the latest version of the SonarScanner CLI. That was especially important since SonarCloud users started getting a warning about using Java 11 last week, and the newest scanner version embeds Java 17.
Once more, we extend our thanks to everyone mentioned here - and those we may have missed - for their efforts in strengthening this community and enhancing our Sonar products.
Please leave your own recognitions below – whether for another community member or a SonarSourcer who assisted you this week. If there’s someone you think should be acknowledged in next week’s roundup, don’t hesitate to let us know.