Sonar Community Highlights, September 2 - September 8

Hey everyone!

:yawning_face:It has been a slower week in our Community this week, with a combination of Labor Day in the US and a public holiday in Geneva (where most of us are based) called Jeune Genevois.

And, we still want to say thanks to everyone who prompted interesting discussions and gave us feedback on Sonar products that will help us continuously improve.

Rule Improvements



  • Something is wrong analyzing Razor files… thanks for the report @groogiam and @Jesse. We’ve found a workaround until we can get this fixed. :pray:


Users helping Users

Once more, we extend our thanks to everyone mentioned here - and those we may have missed - for their efforts in strengthening this community and enhancing our Sonar products.

Please leave your own recognitions below – whether for another community member or a SonarSourcer who assisted you this week. If there’s someone you think should be acknowledged in next week’s roundup, don’t hesitate to let us know.

Colin & @ganncamp (who was out all week, so I hope I haven’t missed anybody!)